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COVID, Flu & Cold Safety Tips for Bars & Restaurants

Cleaning a restaurant table - COVID Flu and Cold Safety tips for bars and restaurants

With recent COVID spikes and cold and flu season approaching fast, it’s important to make sure you’re taking the proper precautions to keep your staff and patrons safe. Make sure you have the proper equipment to help you avoid spreading sickness in your restaurant or bar. Take a closer look at some of the steps you can take to keep everyone safe.

Provide Safety Supplies

Offer customers safety supplies such as hand sanitizer to use in your restaurant to help stop the spread of COVID and the flu. Having these items on hand can help you protect staff and  customers alike from getting sick this holiday season:

  • Masks
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Gloves for food handling

It’s also recommended that you look into air purifiers so the air circulates, removing any pathogens and creating a cleaner space.

Set Mandatory Safety Measures

Having a set of rules in place can help your staff and customers avoid getting sick. Here are just a few actions you should make mandatory in your business:

  • Send sick staff home
  • Have staff wash their hands frequently
  • Post signs for patrons to social distance
  • Provide the proper safety equipment needed

Recognize the Risks

Pay special attention to contact points such as touching menus or paying the check. Then, find ways to minimize the amount of contact your staff will have with the patrons and vice versa. Start by putting social distancing rules into place. Once you have your layout spaced out properly, you can work on integrating the paperless billing with equipment set up at each table as well as online menu options.

Sanitize & Disinfect Regularly

Equip your business with the tools needed to sanitize tables, floors, dishes and more. Having disinfectant as well will kill the viruses and stop them from spreading. Don’t forget to clean menus, bathroom stalls, utensils and even doorknobs to ensure you get all of the common touch points in your restaurant or bar.

We have the sanitizing and disinfecting supplies you need to properly protect your business from spreading COVID, the cold or the flu as well as the protective gear that will protect your staff and patrons.