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Nieco MV & FH Automatic Broiler Disassembly & Reassembly


At closing, it’s vital to take apart equipment so it can be properly cleaned. Knowing which parts need to be removed is dependent on your preventative maintenance schedule. For daily, weekly and monthly cleaning, different things need to be removed so they can be adequately cleaned. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll cover Nieco MV and FH automatic broiler disassembly and reassembly for all of the preventative maintenance. 

The following steps are applicable to models such as the MV63-2 and FH94. 

Daily Cleaning Disassembly

  • Step 1. Turn off the broiler and allow it to fully cool before beginning to disassemble it. 
  • Step 2. Remove the meat guides by lifting them up and away.
  • Step 3. Remove the feeder cover by pulling it forward and away from the unit.
  • Step 4. Remove the feeder bases by first uncovering the pins and pulling them outward. Then lift the bases up and out of the unit.
    • Note: Don’t pull the bases out by the chains or push bar.
  • Step 5. Remove the feeder housing by lifting it upward and away from the unit.
  • Step 6. Slide out the grease pan from the front of the unit.
  • Step 7. Remove the front heat shield by pulling it up and away from the broiler.
  • Step 8. Slide out the lower drip tray from the front of the unit.
  • Step 9. Remove the holding pan bracket.
    • Note: This is only applicable to FH models. MV users can skip to step 10. 
  • Step 10. Remove the side hotel pan
  • Step 11. Pull the grease trough outward to remove it. 
  • Step 12. Remove the back panel by lifting it up and out. 
    • Note: This is only applicable to FH models. MV users can skip to step 13. 
  • Step 13. Remove the awning by swinging it upward and out. 
  • Step 14. Remove the following parts based off the model you have:
    • FH units - Remove the meat slide by lifting it up and out.
    • MV units - Remove the pans, tray and meat catch. The meat catch rests on two pins so it needs to be lifted off of them. 
  • Step 15. Remove the stripper blade by pulling it up and out.
  • Step 16. Remove the grease tray trough by sliding it out. 
  • Step 17. Remove the Incendalyst by lifting it up and away.

Weekly Cleaning Disassembly

Before beginning weekly cleaning disassembly, repeat steps 1-17 from daily cleaning. 

  • Step 18. Remove the lower burner by sliding the cover up and pulling the burner outward. 
    • Note: Use two hands to help guide the burner out and stabilize it. 

Monthly Cleaning Disassembly

Before beginning monthly cleaning disassembly, repeat steps 1-17 from daily cleaning and step 18 from weekly cleaning. 

  • Step 19. Remove the chimney by lifting it up and away. 
  • Step 20. Disconnect the hoses to the air boxes by loosening the connection with the wrench tool and then using your hand to finish.
  • Step 21. Lift the air boxes up and out of the unit. 
  • Step 22. Remove the upper burner by lifting the one side up and sliding it out. 


The unit can be reassembled in the reverse order of how it was disassembled. For monthly reassembly, start by reversing the monthly steps, then weekly and daily. The same applies for weekly and daily cleaning. 

Need more troubleshooting or maintenance tips? Check our collection of Nieco manuals for assistance.

 Please contact a local authorized service agent who can help with these specific units and all your commercial kitchen equipment needs.