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Spotting a Marketplace item is a cinch. Look at the Shipped & Sold by line in the product description. You’ll see a name other than Parts Town.

Fast Facts: Marketplace sellers set their own prices and shipping options. Parts Town does not ship Marketplace orders.



  • Look for the Shipped and Sold by section in the product listing. If more than one seller is offering that item, click More Offers Available at the bottom right to see other sellers and prices. Marketplace orders are shipped by the seller.

  • At checkout, you’ll see your shipping options. You have the option to choose whatever works best for you.

  • Each Marketplace seller offers their own pricing and shipping options. Additional shipping charges may apply when purchasing from multiple Marketplace sellers.

  • Exactly the same way you’d pay for a Parts Town order. You’ll see the options at checkout.

  • For Marketplace returns, please contact the Marketplace seller directly. You’ll find the contact info on your Parts Town invoice, on the packing slip or on order history.

  • If you have questions about shipping or a return for a Marketplace order, please contact the seller directly.

    If you need different info, please give us (Parts Town) a shout at 800.438.8898.

  • Visit My Account at and choose Order History. Click the red CONTACT button, type your message and hit SEND.

  • Yes, of course you can! We’d love to hear what you think. To rate your seller, visit Go to My Account and choose Order History from the dropdown menu. Click the Rate button to share some stars.

  • You sure can. Each seller has reviews and ratings under their name. Click Reviews to see more detailed info, like star ratings and customer reviews.

  • Good question. Prices for Marketplace items are set by the sellers. However, if you are looking to buy items in bulk, you may request a quote as special pricing may be available.

  • Stop by our Marketplace seller page to learn more.

  • Ooh, that is a fun question. There are eight birds that we know of that cannot fly: penguin, steamer duck, weka, ostrich, kiwi, kakapo, takahe and cassowary.

  • Look for These Marketplace Products: