Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente estará libre el lunes 2 de Septiembre por el Día del Trabajo, pero aún puedes realizar pedidos. Volveremos a la normalidad el 3 de Septiembre. ¡Hasta luego!
Encontrar piezas de equipos de servicio de alimentos
Sterilite Refacciones y Manuales
Sterilite produces high-end storage solutions for commercial kitchens, hotels and even laundromats. When you're in need of a laundry basket, dust pan or storage bin, we can get you the Sterilite parts that will keep your business running smoothly. Since our in-stock inventory is real OEM, you can rest assured that you're getting parts and accessories that are made to last.
Con Parts In Town, puede conseguir piezas reales más rápido, incluso hoy mismo. ¿Le interesa? Establezca su ubicación y busque el logotipo de Parts In Town para obtener piezas reales aún más rápido.
Establecer su ubicación
Sterilite has a reputation amongst the hospitality industry for having sturdy, high-end storage solutions. Their product range includes:
Stackable Drawers
Laundry Baskets
Stackable Storage Bins
Parts Town is your go-to destination for real OEM Sterilite storage parts and accessories. Since we carry a comprehensive selection of Sterilite parts that are specifically made to manufacturer specifications, you can trust you'll find exactly what you're looking for.
Also, we offer same-day shipping on all in-stock Sterilite parts and accessories until 9PM ET Monday-Friday so you can get your order faster.